Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Feminine Names for Manly Men

I really, really can't stand it when a male character has a girly name. Just saying that, because there's a lot of those out there, especially in Japanese anime and such. For example, Kingdom Hearts has Terra, Sora, Lea, Isa, Marluxia, etc.

Especially with Marluxia. The guy has pink hair, a floral scythe, and has control over flowers. This dude has FLOWER POWER. Still, at least he's got the title of "Graceful Assassin". Axel has "Flurry of Dancing Flames", which heavily implies that he's a flaming closet case and would give the yaoi fan girls a lot to think about.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Public Service Announcement

Rant of the moment: When sad, don't cut yourself. Please, spare us all from the self-pity and horror and gorge yourself on Ben and Jerry's. Chunky Monkey is the best option. It's safe and delectable, and no squeamish person will gag. However, you will probably gag later if you're bulimic, but that's besides the point.

 Ice cream solves all the worlds problems. Even terrorists love ice cream! Why can't they bomb people with pints of Haagan Daz instead of M-80s or whatever they are? I'd rather eat creamy goodness than eat lead.